

Jackieclipping I contacted Sue after I had my Irish Sports Horse for three and a half years, he could not be clipped without sedation. In late May I gave him a full clip but we had to twitch him and then sedate him intravenously to get the job done. He completely panicked at noise, sight, smell of clippers. In all other ways he was a completely relaxed and reliable horse, bothered by very little.

I contacted Sue and she worked with me over a 4-6 week period, visiting a total of four times working with Sunny and training me over a 2 hour session. The transformation has been amaziing! Sue did the intial work and then taught me how to de-sensitise him. He is transformed.

Now he can be clipped all over his body with no need for twitching, sedation, or any other artificial help; I just use Sue's techniques and he has lost his fear of the clippers. I am now using her techniques to get him to tolerate the clippers on his head, and this is also working well, with progress daily.

All I can say is that, for clippering, her technique works, and I would highly recommend her if you have a horse who cannot be clipped. Cheers,

Jackie, Epsom